I won't go as far as to say that I am the Dalia Lama of dieting, but you can't go three years without picking up a few tips and tricks to ease the pain of hunger. Dieting is the vanguard position in the war against food. You hold out until the enemy attacks and poof, starvation cripples you and you double over wondering what to do next; so help you God if you have to eat another dry-tasteless-lack-lustre-rice-cracker. Hey, I've been there, while my hunger pains couldn't match those of upper Africa, I have certainly met my maker when it comes to food. Food isn't the only enemy in the journey of being healthy - if you are goal-driven like I am - the scale holds me by the emotional tendril and isn't afraid to tug. So here are my five top tips for coping with a newly formed healthy eating plan...
1) Cut out Bread and Sugar
There is nothing in the world that gets me fired up more than a toasted chicken mayo sarmie? Try a low GI option, Pita Bread, or Provitas as a replacement.
My biggest was addiction was coffee... SWEET coffee - the type with three heaped spoons. I know sweetners are found to contain a specific 'cell' that activates cancer cells, forgive my brashness, but life is far too short for bitter coffee. Sweetner works for me, but a healthier option with half the calories is honey...
2) Join the gym - get a gym buddy
I won't ever advise any diet/eating plan that doesn't include some form of exercise. Join a gym, or go for a run in the neighbourhood, take the kids, dogs, parents, even the fish if you must. Remember: Sweat is your fat crying.
3) Carry water with you
Water is the best detoxifier your body needs, it thrives off it, and in most cases your body isn't hungry but thirsty. I drink 3litres of water a day - 2litres is the required, so pack a big bottle in your car and sip away. Treat yourself with a diet cold drink every time you finish a litre.
4) Eat a chocolate when you feel like it
Did you know that 400g of raw almonds has the same amount of calories as 400g of milk chocolate? The issue with chocolate is that it carries more guilt than calories - so when you crave chocolate, it means your body is telling you something, have a block. Don't hold out until you rip the only slab from a crying pre-schooler and devour the entire thing.
5) Invest in a tape measure
The scale is the devil. So is water weight. When your body changes it's 'process' (i.e. eating plan) it's default is 'fasting' and thus stores everything morsel it can get it's hands on. For me the safety deposit box is my hips. So, yes, track your weight once a week BUT also track your centimetres.
I hope these tips help - they aren't medically proven, just a small form of my own personal meandering.
Remember, this weekend: Run, fat bitch.
Pack lunch for work, and get into a routine of eating. Seems to be working for me thus far. That and boot camp :-)
@Shaina, eating and exercise are a must. Glad it is working for you!
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